Steve & Tina Same

Steve & Tina Same
London, England
Steve and Tina Same have worked with Arise and Shine Evangelistic Association since 1988. They spent four years in the Philippines, working among refugees and the homeless. In 1992 they joined a newly formed ASEA ministry in London, England. They now serve in urban street ministry, operating out of ASEA’s “London Outreach Center,” a fully renovated former English “pub,” where they evan gelize among the city’s 9 million people.
Hi! We are Steve and Tina Same, and we’ve been serving in missions for ten years. We met in high school in Florida, came to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior and then got married the year after graduation. We immediately got involved in local outreach ministry but soon felt a call to go to the uttermost parts of the earth with the message of salvation.
We spent five more years in Bible school and local outreach ministry, during which time the Lord blessed us with our first two children Steven and Isaiah.
Eventually it was time to GO! and God opened a door for us to serve with Arise and Shine Evangelistic Association in the Philippine Islands. We left the States in June, 1988, with suitcases in hand and passports stamped.
The Philippines was a new world in every way. What a joy to see the birth of the vision God gave us. We worked with ASEA for five years, sharing the gospel on the streets, teaching in ASEA’s Schools of Bibliology, their A.C.E. Christian School, radio programs, and regular outreaches. Joshua, our youngest son, was born during this time.
In 1992 we were asked to join ASEA in a six month outreach to London. By the end of the six months the Lord had made it clear that we were to stay. For the next three years we saw unique and blessed fruit from intensive ministry on the streets.
We now help ASEA operate the London Outreach Center (an old, renovated English pub), a base of operations and outreach to London’s 9 million people.
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